On August 14, alumni discussion groups moved to a new platform and renamed TigerNet Forums. The forums join the 130-plus alumni group websites, including class, regions and affinity sites, that currently reside on the platform. Coming this fall, the new and improved Alumni Directory — with similar features and interface to LinkedIn — will also be added to the platform.


TigerNet Forums will retain the previous functionality of alumni discussion groups, but with a refreshed look and new features. Alumni can continue to access the platform through TigerNet


You can join as many TigerNet Forums as you would like, and all forums are open to all alumni.


A big thank you to the Communications and Technology Committee for helping test the new platform and for providing invaluable feedback, including organizing the forums into the following categories:

·       Athletics

·       Careers and Professional

·       Culture and Religion

·       Eating Clubs and Co-ops

·       Home and Family

·       Performing and Fine Arts

·       Regional

·       Other Tiger Topics


As always, we remind all alumni to familiarize themselves with the TigerNet Policy to ensure compliance.


Read more about discussion groups and learn how to post and receive notifications on TigerNet Forums by consulting the FAQ. We hope you will peruse the TigerNet Forums and consider joining the conversations.