A Message from ASC Chair, Jordan Cummins '99
It has been incredibly appreciated to have had your support for past Virtual International Interviewing for Princeton (viiP) events!   As always, we’re looking forward to interviewing applicants from around the world who otherwise might not get an opportunity to connect with a Princeton alumnus or alumna.
Given the high rate of ongoing respiratory virus rates in the community, we are going to continue viiP this year in the Boston area as a truly virtual event by Zoom on February 10th!  It will be a fun day filled with lots of Tiger Spirit! 
Please click on the below link to choose specific times that you want to interview on February 10.  It will be totally casual, so you can drop in and out of our group Zoom whenever you like in order to do interviews or take breaks.  You don’t need to commit to more than what you sign up for on the survey!
Link to Sign up For viiP Interview Slots!
Once I know the interview times you have committed to, I will coordinate for an international student to be ready to connect with you at that time (with applicant contact details provided a few days before the event).
 Please let me know ASAP if you can attend. We would be grateful if each participant could take 4 candidates (or more!) to cover that day. That said, if you can take one or two, it would be deeply appreciated. Our international regions need us more than ever this year!!  
If you cannot participate on viiP day itself but would be able to interview viiP candidates on your own time, please let me know how many you can take, and those assignments will be made to you shortly. Once again, all the help we can get is truly appreciated!