PANE Lock Down Virtual Pub Quiz

Libations Encouraged, not Mandatory.



A virtual pub quiz is a casual event where people gather online to answer trivia or general knowledge questions. You can play as an individual or as a team.

The questions are broken into sections: music, sports, entertainment, history, geography, etc. At the end of each section, we give the answers and total up correct scores. (Yes, the Honor Code applies. No researching answers.)

The individual or team with the most points at the end of the night wins. He/she/they shall be wrapped in glory and general adoration. There might even be PANE branded swag to commemorate the victory. 

Libations are encouragedm not mandatory.

Join Zoom Meeting on 9-23-2020 at 7pm

Meeting ID:  882 520 9318

Password: available in PANE email announcement (Or just start singing... Use Capitals and a space in between)


Please feel free to join us solo or as a team. And you don't have to be a Princetonian to participate (though it might help).

The Virtual Pub Quiz is a PANE sponsored event.